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    Below you will find issues related to the rules governing the use of your office. If you can’t find some important information, please let us know or take a look at your contract.


    If you move out, the office should be restored to its original condition. Any modifications you make should be reversible.

    Without any special permission:

    Hanging posters, paintings, signs, TVs on the walls.

    Placing stickers on the glass doors.

    Installing hanging decorations.

    Painting the walls & adding partitions up to 1,5 m high.

    With a special permission:

    Modifications to floors, floor boxes, wall structure, existing equipment, and intercom as well as exchange of blinders should be reported and authorised by us.


    Without written permission, you cannot make changes that cannot be reversed after the end of your contract without incurring above minimal costs or without further interfering with the room.

    Other reasons for refusal:

    Such changes are not necessary for the functionality of a given room.

    Such changes will not add functionality to the room.

    Such changes give rise to other clear doubts.

    Office renovation

    How about a small renovation? It’s not a problem for us if you have it authorised by the Property Manager and the main technician. If the renovation work becomes onerous, e.g., noisy, it must be carried out in the evening or at the weekend.


    Report your renovation work in the Singu app. It can be started once your permission is confirmed.

    Common areas

    ‘Your home, your rules’ may be accurate but not in the places where people from different companies meet. In the common areas, you cannot put any marks, information, flags, posters, or ads, excluding the examples from the part on branding. This applies to windows, doors, corridors, and other common areas of the building – unless we expressly consent to it. To receive permission, make sure that any messages you want to put in common areas don’t draw the eyes and match the surroundings.

    Contact us

    Do you wish to know more, or maybe need some help? Our team is waiting for you! Below you will find contact information about matters relating to this section.


    Property Manager
    Magdalena Rumianek
    +48 736 450 330

    Lumen building manager. Provides all necessary information about the building.

    COVID-19 notifications
    Electric chargers
    Lease contract
    Property manager


    Technical Manager
    Marcin Skwierczyński
    +48 697 981 800

    Responsible for coordinating the repair of defects in the building, clarifies questions regarding technical issues in the premises of the rented premises, and issues approvals for technical changes introduced in the premises.

    Air conditioning
    Arrangement changes during the term of the lease
    Building access control
    COVID-19 notifications
    Singu app access